Paying for college is always a challenge and a top concern for individuals thinking of attending, either for the first time, or gaining a different education for a second career. CNCC is fortunate enough to have a long-standing foundation whose mission is to help students with the expense of college.

The CNCC Foundation was formed in 1979 to expand the college’s resources through grants, corporate/individual gifts, and special fundraising events. The Foundation exists to ensure the financial sustainability of the college, a vital institution in Northwest Colorado. The Foundation’s mission is to use ethical and effective fundraising practices to support CNCC in its commitment to provide accessible, affordable, quality education.

Foundation support enables CNCC to:

  • Enhance Current Instructional Programs
  • Develop New Instructional Programs
  • Improve College Facilities
  • Offer Student Scholarships
  • Fund Special Projects outside of the scope of traditional funding sources

The Foundation is governed by a voluntary board of business and community leaders from across Northwest Colorado, and offers a wide variety of scholarships through the CNCC Foundation. Most of the scholarships are program or campus specific.

Amount of scholarships awarded to CNCC students in past 5 years.

The CNCC foundation is utilizing AwardSpring management software to facilitate the application process for Scholarships. Students can find the link to which scholarships are available each semester by visiting the CNCC website and Scholarship Central. Financial Aid and Student Services also notify students when scholarship applications open each semester. Students are encouraged to check their student email frequently to see if any new scholarships are available.

The CNCC Foundation is lead by Keely Ellis, Executive Director of Advancement/Foundation Director, and is a huge advocate of education and educational access. CNCC’s Financial Aid team, comprised of Merrie Byers ( and Jessica Wollman ( are here to help serve CNCC students. Feel free to reach out to either for any assistance with CNCC Scholarships, or other financial aid inquiries.

List of scholarships:

  • Brett Stearns Memorial Scholarship (Craig Campus)
  • Boundless Opportunities (General)
  • Chevron General Scholarship (General)
  • CNCC Foundation Scholarship (General)
  • CNCC Albin Salton Scholarship (Moffat County)
  • CNCC Evertte Berry Memorial Scholarship (Process Technology)
  • CNCC Rick Selbe Memorial Scholarship (Pre-Nursing/Nursing)
  • CNCC Derrace Hoey Memorial Scholarship (Baseball)
  • CNCC Allen B Wilson Memorial Scholarship (Aviation)
  • CNCC Donald and Thelma Boyd Memorial Scholarship (General)
  • Chuck and Maxine Enterline Memorial Scholarship (Dental Hygiene)
  • Darby McDermott Memorial Scholarship (Nursing)
  • Deborah Sherman-Hurst Memorial Scholarship (Dental Hygiene)

Visit for more information on scholarships and to find the applications!